This is the Tangle Sunday Edition, a brief roundup of our independent politics coverage plus some extra features for your Sunday morning reading.
Changes to The Sunday.
Thanks to everybody who took the time to respond to our survey — we’ve heard you loud and clear. The responses we’ve gotten from you helped us decide that we will be focusing more on the reader-engagement aspects of Tangle, trimming down our recap section, experimenting with some one-off features to solicit your feedback, and will be sunsetting our word game. Here are some of your responses:
“As Sunday is a time for relaxing and slowing down, I would enjoy longer pieces or thought-provoking pieces on non-political topics.”
“I wish you’d save space by linking to the week’s stories with MUCH shorter summaries. I hate how much of the newsletter is taken up with what’s already been said throughout the week.”
“Getting to know you, [consider adding a section where] the team reveals something about themselves.”
“I think the Sunday is good as it is. It's optional, it's fun, and it's fluff for the most part. I read it when I can, but I don't worry about when my weekend is too busy to keep up with it. I think that's a great place to be.”
Let us know what you think of our changes by replying to this email!
What the right is doodling.
What the left is doodling.
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