This is the Tangle Sunday Edition, a brief roundup of our independent politics coverage plus some extra features for your Sunday morning reading.
What the right is doodling.
Al Goodwyn | Creators Syndicate
What the left is doodling.
Mike Luckovich | Creators Syndicate
A quick note.
Remember, Tangle takes off for all bank holidays, so we won’t be in your inbox tomorrow for Presidents Day. We’ll see you again on Tuesday!
Reader essay.
Image from Sukhjinder | PixaHive
A few months ago, editor Ari Weitzman was responding to some emails at a tea shop in Burlington, VT, when a fellow patron noticed the Tangle sticker on the back of his laptop. The person was Sam Gittleman, who coincidentally is a friend of another Tangle editor, Will Kaback. It turns out that Sam is also a talented writer, and this week we’re proud to present his moving piece about managing and recovering from chronic pain in his knees. The often frustrating journey to medical answers through a byzantine health system filled with blindered specialists and false-hope peddlers is unfortunately relatable, but his resolve and eventual discovery of a path towards health can be familiar, too. And even inspirational.
Have a local or personal story you want to write about? Pitch us! Fill out this form or reply to this email, and we’ll get back to you if we’re hooked.
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